Sunday, October 22, 2006

damn the man

yes. it has been awhile since i have said anything about anything. well now you're about to get it. i'm going to say everything i've been keeping pent up inside all this time.

i was going to write a detailed account of my new job as a mail carrier, enlightening all of you mail recipients about just how the mail arrives, and how mail carriers spend their mornings and afternoons. however, i was promptly fired (within 30 days of my 90 day "probationary" period), which focuses my attention on some other issues.

i messed up. i didn't deliver a package on time. that's what happened, honestly. i admit it freely, but the fact is that i was new, and inevitably would have made some other mistake if not that one. as most of you already know, if i hadn't been fired for that, i would have been fired for being bit by a dog. i thought i would quote the text from the union manual that aided in my decision to not pursue anything more with the post office:

"article 12 of the national agreement states that during this 90-day period, management may separate a probationary employee for any reason, or for no reason, and the employees cannot constest the action through the grievance-arbitration procedure."

i also thought, for good measure i would quote my favorite part of the letter i received from the byu communications department after my attempt at appealing when they funneled me into a different major. (see "and exactly what are you planning to do with that?")

"while you may feel you are not in a hurry to graduate, there are numerous students waiting to be admitted to the university and lengthening your stay would not be fair to those waiting for admission."

luckily byu recently sent me a survey. to see the results check the next blog.

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