Tuesday, August 21, 2012

name change!!

yessss - this blog is getting resurrected. it's been a LONG LONG LONG time, to quote the beatles.

the name of the blog used to be spinning yarns but i never liked that name, so i have officially changed it to joy collision! it seems the only other person or entity using that name IS a roller derby girl, so really, where can i go wrong? if anything, that is a sign that i and my blog are even more awesome than i previously thought. in addition, i wanted to quite literally suggest a bunch of joy colliding together because that is what life is about. (and joy division is a sweet band, as well.)

obviously my other, older posts have been mainly anecdotes from the crazy college years. i should mention here that if you are not a fan of hyperbole, you may not appreciate my style. those stories are all true, and i am fond of them; however, the future blogs i create will be a combination of such anecdotes (which believe it or not, continue to happen!) and other commentary and/or ideas of a serious and sometimes ridiculous nature.

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