Thursday, August 03, 2006

indecent exposure

today my co-worker happened to be talking about how she and her now husband used to sluff in high school to do the horizontal tango. this was no surprise. but the rest of my co-workers and i did not realize how frequently this was done. the tango-ing co-worker, whom i will call rabbit, admitted that they would do this up to three times a day.

as i was laughing about this, someone mentioned something about a ticket rabbit had received. not having knowledge of any of this, i wanted to know what it was for. rabbit had received a ticket about 7 months ago for indecent exposure. she and her husband had pulled off the side of the road for some spontaneous tango-ing in their truck. i asked what time of day it was, and she said, "in the afternoon."


Cicada said...

A friend from St. George was driving to school one morning at 6:00. She passed a convertible with its top down. Asleep in the convertible were three naked people---two women and a man.

And then she thought it was refreshing that stuff like that would happen in Utah.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how some people are so willing to tell you all the nitty-gritty details for their life!!! That was too much information for me to handle that day. I VETO talk about tang-ing in our work place!